Training in methods of capitalization of experiences / monitoring and support for the writing of a capitalization of the TAPSA Program (Great Lakes component)

Supported by AFD, CCFD-Terre Solidaire has been engaged since 2018, in the Great Lakes region, in an innovative program to promote peasant agroecology that combines transition towards sustainable production models, shared governance of resources and capacity building. .

One of the specificities of this program is to offer a common framework in which partner organizations develop their own innovation strategies, while participating in common reflexivity and learning. To allow organizations to take a step back and learn from their projects and all program stakeholders to share and cross-reference these experiences to increase in generality, the program engages in a dual capitalization process:

  • Capitalization on the scale of each of the projects, supported by the partner organizations themselves;
  • Capitalization at program level, led by CCFD-Terre Solidaire.

February to August 2022