AFD Niger – Accompaniment of the High Authority for Peacebuilding steering and monitoring-evaluation function within the framework of the “DIFFA Youth” project

The main objective of this project is to contribute to improving the living conditions and prospects of young people in Diffa and to reduce the feeling of exclusion among 15-35 year olds, who represent 30% of the population. It is based on an integrated approach at the level of a territory, taking into account all the dimensions that relate to the social and professional integration of young people, combining short and long time and involving local actors. More broadly, improving the employability of young people and developing social and life opportunities will also help to reduce the risk of young people falling into violence or even radicalization.

The project has three specific objectives :

  • Promote the social and economic dynamics of vulnerable youth in their community (activities with rapid economic impact and socio-educational, cultural and sports activities, citizen participation) ;
  • Improve the social and professional integration of young people (training, mediation and integration support mechanisms adapted to the local context) ;
  • Strengthen the leadership capacities of national (High Authority for Peace Consolidation) and local (Diffa Regional Council) institutions to strengthen the legitimacy of the State, the coordination of actors and the economic and social development of the region.

September 2018 to September 2019