“Final review of the intervention ‘Strengthening the Referral General Hospital St Joseph in Kinshasa for COVID-19 response in the context of a structural health system strengthening approach.’”

Designed in the context of the COVID-19 epidemic, the project consisted of two axes: firstly, a focus on the response to COVID-19, with a particular emphasis on case management; secondly, a focus on strengthening the institutional, technical, and organizational capacities of the hospital. One of the innovations planned in this latter framework was the establishment of a subsidized flat-rate pricing system based on the principles developed in various other Enabel projects. As part of the new bilateral portfolio for 2023-2027, the city of Kinshasa has been included as a beneficiary for the “health and social protection” axis. This evaluation is therefore important to guide stakeholders on the interest of including support for St Joseph Hospital in the future portfolio to be managed by Enabel.

The review of the support program for St Joseph Hospital aims to: • Support management. Based on in-depth, evidence-based analyses, useful and applicable recommendations will be produced. • Contribute to learning by analyzing the project development process. • Ensure accountability to the donor, partner, and internal actors by providing an external assessment of progress made and results achieved.”

Implementation 15/05/2023 – 15/07/2023