UNMFREO – Study of the effects and impact of MFR training systems on the socio-professional integration trajectories of young and adults trained in MFR in 9 countries in West and Central Africa and in the Indian Ocean

After the implementation of 3 program agreements over a period of more than ten years, UNMFREO wishes to demonstrate that the training systems of MFRs contribute to the socio-professional integration…

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Ministry of foreign and european affairs of Luxembourg (MAEE) – Evaluation of global citizenship education projects of the Comité pour une paix juste au proche orient (CPJPO)

This mission aims to assess the CPJPO’s annual global citizenship education projects for the period 2016 – 2019. This is an assessment based on the 5 OECD DAC criteria, conducted…

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Frères des Hommes France – Evaluation of the device “La pépinière de la solidarité internationale”

This evaluation aims in particular : To evaluate the 3 years project of La Pépinière” according to the OECD evaluation criteria ;To analyze the contribution of FDH to social transformation…

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