« Speaking about territory » : a day to meet and to learn
On Friday, April 21st, Cota organized a workshop about the territorial approach in development projects, based on a study realized at the end of 2016. About fifteen actors met in…
On Friday, April 21st, Cota organized a workshop about the territorial approach in development projects, based on a study realized at the end of 2016. About fifteen actors met in…
The objective of this mission is to support Handicap International Luxembourg in the strategic reflection on its Framework Agreement for Education for Development (EAD) over the period 2018-2020 and in the…
Entre 2015 et 2016, le COTA a mené une étude sur la légitimité des Organisations de la Société Civile (OSC). L’étude s’est focalisée sur les organisations belges francophones et propose des…
Between 2015 and 2016, COTA led a study on the legitimacy of the Civil Society Organizations (CSO). The study focus on the French-speaking Belgian organizations and proposes keys for reading,…
En octobre, le COTA lançait une étude de perceptions croisées sur les approches territoriales. Ce sont 12 acteurs de la coopération-développement (travaillant en ONG, en ASI, au sein de pouvoirs…
In October 2016, COTA launched a cross-sectional perception study on territorial approaches. 12 people working in the sector of aid-development (Ngos, local governments, national aid-development agency…) and 6 people working…
On october 15, 2015, COTA, BTC, Acodev, NGO federatie and Be-cause Health Platform organized a day of reflection and discussion on the theme of "Change and complexity, can we strengthen…
Nowadays, the concept of "territory" is overused. One hears of local public policies or regionalised actions of territorial development, territorial marketing, territorial governance, regional roots or internationalization of the territories.…
On retrouve le terme de « territoire » un peu partout aujourd’hui. On parle ainsi de politiques publiques locales ou d’actions territorialisées, de développement territorial, de marketing territorial, de gouvernance…
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Définition participative du contenu d’une matrice de suivi-évaluation du changement Définition des modalités d’organisation et de fonctionnement de l’apprentissage autour de la matrice de suivi-évaluation [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]