AGRICORD – Support for the capitalization process within the SEPOP project (Services and Advocacy of Farmers’ Organizations)

AGRICORD _ Support for the capitalization process within the SEPOP project (Services and Advocacy of Farmers' Organizations)The objectives of this mission are:• Support and accompany the facilitators of the capitalization…

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Consultancy service to support the cross-capitalization process of several Enabel interventions as part of the creation of climate-resilient infrastructures

This involves leading a capitalization process in order to cross-reference and compare the experiences and practices tested by several projects and programs, implemented by Enabel, contributing to providing solutions specifically…

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Facilitation of the capitalisation of the Programme to support WWF France in its contribution to the New Deal for Nature and Mankind in 2020 and its implementation after 2020 (CP Nature 2020)

The objective of the CP Nature 2020 program is to halt the curve of biodiversity erosion by carrying out actions of citizen mobilisation, advocacy and pilot actions for the protection…

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Agence Française de Développement (AFD) – Recruitment of an expert consultant in charge of capitalising on the experience of the IRD-AFD partnership

Since 2012, the French Development Agency (AFD) and the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD) have formalized their cooperation through the adoption of multi-year framework agreements (2012-2015, 2015-2019 and…

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Training in methods of capitalization of experiences / monitoring and support for the writing of a capitalization of the TAPSA Program (Great Lakes component)

Supported by AFD, CCFD-Terre Solidaire has been engaged since 2018, in the Great Lakes region, in an innovative program to promote peasant agroecology that combines transition towards sustainable production models,…

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Transversal capitalization of the experiences of Minigrids projects led by NGOs and private sector actors

In collaboration with ADEME, AFD and FFEM wished to initiate a capitalization processexperiences focusing on experimentation and then scaling up minigrid projects. Scale-oriented and must participate in meeting the challenges…

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Agence française de développement (AFD) Monitoring-evaluation and continuous transversal capitalization of projects financed by “FISONG 2020 One Health”

The Innovation Facility for NGOs (FISONG) is a co-financing tool mobilized by calls for proposals for the benefit of NGOs. Its criterion is innovation and aims to explore new ways…

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French Development Agency (AFD) – Facilitation and methodological support of a collective capitalization approach in the context of the “actor approach” site

The objective of the service is to ensure the role of facilitator in support of the capitalization of experiences and to produce methodological deliverables within the framework of the “Approach…

Continue ReadingFrench Development Agency (AFD) – Facilitation and methodological support of a collective capitalization approach in the context of the “actor approach” site