Étudiants et développement – External evaluation of the three-year project “Encourage, support and promote the responsible involvement of students and young active people in International Solidarity and GCE”

This evaluation aims to : Strengthen the structure and the regional base of E&DReflect about how to position E&D as a major interlocutor of the public authorities on issues of…

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Comité Français pour la Solidarité Internationale (CFSI) – Continuous evaluation of the programme “Coopérer autrement, en acteurs de changement”

Build in a participatory manner a monitoring and evaluation system (continuous assessment) change oriented and collectively developped in a balanced representation of stakeholdersPropose an iterative approach focused on collective learning…

Continue ReadingComité Français pour la Solidarité Internationale (CFSI) – Continuous evaluation of the programme “Coopérer autrement, en acteurs de changement”