

SoHab – Capitalization of project experiences

The SOHO.Senne project is an international solidarity initiative which raises awareness among young people over the age of 16 in precarious situations, living in three Brussels neighborhoods (Anneessens, Dansaert and Béguinage-Dixmude), about the issues of global and solidarity citizenship (ECMS) . It puts their local realities into perspective with international issues such as migration, social inequalities and sustainable development.

The objectives of this mission are:

  • Carry out, support and accompany a process of capitalizing on experiences
  • Give clarity to SOHO.Senne’s activities and analyze the relevance of a strong ECMS thematic dimension
  • Formulate operational recommendations to improve practices and methods

January 2025 to May 2025


AGRICORD – Support for the capitalization process within the SEPOP project (Services and Advocacy of Farmers’ Organizations)

AGRICORD _ Support for the capitalization process within the SEPOP project (Services and Advocacy of Farmers’ Organizations)
The objectives of this mission are:
• Support and accompany the facilitators of the capitalization process led by the “training of farmer leaders” working groups
• Support and accompany the facilitators of the capitalization process led by the “economic support and access to funding for POs” working groups.

February 2024 to July 2025


Consultancy service to support the cross-capitalization process of several Enabel interventions as part of the creation of climate-resilient infrastructures

This involves leading a capitalization process in order to cross-reference and compare the experiences and practices tested by several projects and programs, implemented by Enabel, contributing to providing solutions specifically to the Global Objective linked to “Climate Change and environment” through infrastructure investments considered in terms of their resilience and respect for the direct environment.
It also aimed to feed into the exercise of formulating the new bilateral cooperation program 2024 – 2028 between Burundi and Belgium.
The process is also part of the creation of a Community of Practice dedicated to the infrastructure sector.

Implementation 15/05 – 19/07/2023


Facilitation of the capitalisation of the Programme to support WWF France in its contribution to the New Deal for Nature and Mankind in 2020 and its implementation after 2020 (CP Nature 2020)

The objective of the CP Nature 2020 program is to halt the curve of biodiversity erosion by carrying out actions of citizen mobilisation, advocacy and pilot actions for the protection of biodiversity in France, Madagascar, Cameroon and Gabon.

Implementation March 2023 – June 2023


Agence Française de Développement (AFD) – Recruitment of an expert consultant in charge of capitalising on the experience of the IRD-AFD partnership

Since 2012, the French Development Agency (AFD) and the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD) have formalized their cooperation through the adoption of multi-year framework agreements (2012-2015, 2015-2019 and 2019-2022). In anticipation of the development of a new agreement, the two institutions wished to draw up a quantitative and qualitative assessment of past collaborations through a process of capitalization of experience. The lessons learned from this capitalisation should contribute to the reflections on the content of the next agreement while distinguishing between what falls within the scope of the agreement, and what may fall within the practical arrangements for its implementation, taking into account the operating procedures specific to the institution.

This capitalization aims to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the partnership, the points of convergence and areas for improving collaboration in a context of increasing funding.

Implementation period: October 2022 to August 2023


Cartoon life stories illustration

As part of its action in favor of access to housing for precarious people, the Reunion agency of the Abbé Pierre Foundation commissioned the Cota to put in image, in comic book format, the life stories of some of the people accompanied. This new type of support is made possible by the presence of an illustrator-graphic designer within the team.

December 2021 to January 2022


Training in methods of capitalization of experiences / monitoring and support for the writing of a capitalization of the TAPSA Program (Great Lakes component)

Supported by AFD, CCFD-Terre Solidaire has been engaged since 2018, in the Great Lakes region, in an innovative program to promote peasant agroecology that combines transition towards sustainable production models, shared governance of resources and capacity building. .

One of the specificities of this program is to offer a common framework in which partner organizations develop their own innovation strategies, while participating in common reflexivity and learning. To allow organizations to take a step back and learn from their projects and all program stakeholders to share and cross-reference these experiences to increase in generality, the program engages in a dual capitalization process:

  • Capitalization on the scale of each of the projects, supported by the partner organizations themselves;
  • Capitalization at program level, led by CCFD-Terre Solidaire.

February to August 2022


Transversal capitalization of the experiences of Minigrids projects led by NGOs and private sector actors

In collaboration with ADEME, AFD and FFEM wished to initiate a capitalization process
experiences focusing on experimentation and then scaling up minigrid projects. Scale-oriented and must participate in meeting the challenges posed by this change
scale, the capitalization process has a forward-looking dimension.
This capitalization therefore pursues objectives specific to the actors in terms of learning and
capacity building, sectoral dialogue objectives between actors of nature / role
different to common issues (PO, NGO, PTF) and advocacy and production objectives
change within the broader ecosystem of development policy actors and
energy. The idea is to initiate a lasting community of exchanges between private actors, non-governmental organizations and technical and financial partners.

June 2021 – February 2022


Agence française de développement (AFD) Monitoring-evaluation and continuous transversal capitalization of projects financed by “FISONG 2020 One Health”

The Innovation Facility for NGOs (FISONG) is a co-financing tool mobilized by calls for proposals for the benefit of NGOs. Its criterion is innovation and aims to explore new ways of doing things. Noting the low representation of NGOs in supporting the “One Health” approach, AFD has chosen, for 2020, to use this tool to explore and deepen, with them, this approach. Two projects, led respectively by GRET and the AVSF-Solthis consortium, were selected following the call for proposals issued in April 2020. Each of the projects is due to start in the first quarter of 2021 for a period of three years.

This mission therefore aims to support each of the two project leaders in:

  • The finalization of the preparation of the project (and in particular in the clarification of its innovative character with regard to the characteristics of the “One Health” approach) and the establishment of a project monitoring and evaluation system;
  • Reflexivity on the project with a view to using the lessons beyond the time of the project;

The mission also aims to support AFD in:

  • The establishment of a global FISONG monitoring and evaluation system integrating sectoral indicators and accountability frameworks specific to AFD in order to measure FISONG’s results;
  • The transversal capitalization of FISONG and non-FISONG projects in order to reveal AFD’s experiences in terms of operationalizing the “One Health” approach.

December 2020 to December 2023 – Senegal and Guinea Conakry


French Development Agency (AFD) – Facilitation and methodological support of a collective capitalization approach in the context of the “actor approach” site

The objective of the service is to ensure the role of facilitator in support of the capitalization of experiences and to produce methodological deliverables within the framework of the “Approach by actor” project led by the AFD CAP unit.

This facilitation presents several challenges :

  • Bring out the experiences of CAP support staff (experiences both on site and off site) ;
  • Bring out the experiences of the actors supported, other AFD agents concerned and external resource people ;
  • Cross these different experiences with each other ;
  • Animate, analyze and synthesize these experiences ;
  • Formalize a methodological approach that can be duplicated.

January to December 2020


French Development Agency (AFD) – Support to the realization of a capitalization activity following the setting up of an externalized support unit (UAE)

Accompaniment consists of methodological support for the definition of the capitalization process and support for the development of the capitalization mission itself.

November – December 2019


Fondation Abbé Pierre – Cross-sectoral multi-stakeholder study for a capitalization of partners’ international experiences

This study, involving 11 partner organizations of the Foundation, working internationally on the theme of precarious housing in urban areas, has three main objectives :

  • Implement a multi-stakeholder knowledge management approach that promotes collaborative project engineering ;
  • Update the Foundation’s intervention strategy ;
  • Identify key avenues for developing an effective advocacy strategy at the international level.

October 2018 to March 2020


Frères des Hommes – Capitalization of Adenya’s experiences in Rwanda

The purpose of this capitalization mission is to enable Adenya to develop a collective capacity to adapt its intervention strategy in the current context and in the future.

This mission has three specific objectives :

  • Review the history and practices of Adenya to keep track of experiences and knowledge gained through projects and actions ; 
  • Constitute a common base of shareable knowledge between members of the Adenya team (employees and board of directors) ;
  • Contribute to create an internal dynamic, necessary for the definition of a future strategy for Adenya.

May to September 2018


Aide et Action – Capitalization process for the project “Rallye toi aux solidarités”

  • Produce a “guide to action” that allows the dissemination of project experience by giving tools to educational actors who would carry the same type of dynamics in other territories. The guide will explain for what types of problems this can bring solutions, how to mobilize and unite the actors, what is the basic approach and how it can be adapted to the specificities of each target, what are the invariants and levers that can strengthen the action and, finally, what are the tips that developers of the concept can give to those who approach it for the first time.
  • Make video supports to provide the reader the opportunity to see how the practices described in the guide apply with beneficiaries.september 16 th to end of december 2016