Monitoring & evaluation

Monitoring & evaluation

Luxembourg NGO Circle – Support for the SENS/ED task force

This strategic support mission aims to support the development awareness and education sector (SENS/ED) of Luxembourg in the development of a medium-term roadmap, as part of the sectoral renovation undertaken by the Cooperation Directorate of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

April to June 2024

Monitoring & evaluation

VIA DON BOSCO – Mid-term Evaluation of the DGD Program 2022-2026 “Skilling the World”

In partnership with Humanya, the objective is to conduct the mid-term evaluation of the DGD 2022-2026 “Skilling the World” program by Via Don Bosco. This program aims to provide quality education and training as well as support for vulnerable youth in 13 countries, with an additional component of ECMS in Belgium.

The objectives of the mission are:

• Ensure accountability to the donor, partner, and internal stakeholders by providing an external assessment of the progress made and results achieved.
• Support management based on in-depth analyses of tangible elements and by producing useful and applicable recommendations for the continuation of the intervention.
• Contribute to learning by analyzing the project’s development process.

March 2024 to January 2025

Monitoring & evaluation

ENABEL – Final Evaluation of the Pilot Project for Business Mobility between Belgium and Senegal (PEM-WECCO)

The main objective of the evaluation is to provide an overall assessment of the project within the framework of OECD-DAC criteria and its contribution to the intended changes as per the Theory of Change.

March 2024 to August 2024

Monitoring & evaluation

ENABEL – Final Evaluation of Projects to Improve Access to Clean Water and Sanitation in the Koulikoro Region

The evaluation aims at two specific objectives:
Objective 1: Overall assessment of the project within the framework of OECD-DAC criteria and its contribution to the intended changes as per the Theory of Change.
Objective 2: Understand and strengthen sustainability mechanisms to facilitate decision-making.

April 2024 to August 2024

Monitoring & evaluation

SES – Certification of the evaluation systems of four actors in Belgian development cooperation (FairTrade Belgium-Le Monde selon les femmes, Geomoun, Enfance Tiers Monde).

The main objective of this contract is to contribute to the improvement of the quality of evaluation systems of Belgian actors in development cooperation. More specifically, the assessor’s mission consists primarily of validating, as an external and independent expert, the authenticity and traceability of the organization’s self-assessment and assessing the quality of the evaluation system.

February 2024 to June 2024

Monitoring & evaluation

ENABEL – Final Evaluation of the Support Projects for the Operationalization of the Police and Crisis Management in Benin PAOP-PAOP/CRI

The evaluation of the projects aims to ensure accountability towards partner countries, donors, and other stakeholders, while strengthening the sustainability of the results already achieved and confirming the implementation approaches. Moreover, the learning function plays a crucial role. Recommendations and strategic insights from project evaluations feed into the decision-making processes of Enabel and its stakeholders.

March 2024 to June 2024

Monitoring & evaluation

ENABEL – Final Evaluation of the Support to the Fisheries Sector Project (PAFHa) in Mali

L’évaluation a pour objectif principal l’appréciation globale du projet dans le cadre des critères CAD-OECD et la contribution aux changements visés par la Théorie du Changement (TdC). Cet objectif vise à analyser la mesure dans laquelle les résultats et les changements souhaités ont été atteints et comprendre les principaux mécanismes qui ont pu faciliter l’atteinte des résultats ou qui ont représenté des défis.

April 2024 to August 2024

Monitoring & evaluation

ENABEL – Joint Evaluation of SANITA Projects: Urban Development and Sanitation Program in Guinea SANITA 1 and 2 – Clean Cities (SVP 1 and 2)

The main objective of the evaluation is to analyze the influence and impacts of Enabel as a key actor in the waste management sector in Guinea. It is expected that the specific contribution, and particularly the added value, brought by Enabel’s interventions to the improvement of waste management in Guinea will be highlighted.

February 2024 to June 2024

Monitoring & evaluation

ENABEL – Final Evaluation Guinea-Belgium Cooperation Program 2019-2023

The evaluation primarily serves the purpose of strategic learning within Enabel and at the level of the Guinean partner, aiming to improve development practices and cooperation policies. It seeks, on one hand, to provide a comprehensive understanding of the effects of the cooperation program and to identify strategic-level lessons to guide future development initiatives. On the other hand, it aims to provide in-depth analysis through the completion of 4 case studies to address specific questions useful for the implementation of the next program.

January 2024 to June 2024

Monitoring & evaluation

ENABEL – Final Evaluation Benin-Belgium Cooperation Program 2019-2023

The evaluation aims to provide Enabel and its Beninese partner with a basis for concluding the 2019-2023 cycle (accountability) on one hand, and with recommendations that will guide strategic decisions and optimize the new cooperation program on the other. By focusing on the future, the evaluation seeks to enhance the sustainability of results and support the initiation of the new cycle (learning).

June 2024

Monitoring & evaluation

ENABEL – Mid-term Review of the Intervention “Support Program for the Economic Integration of Young People in Kinshasa into Decent Jobs” – KinEmploi

• Ensure accountability to the donor, partner, and internal stakeholders by providing an external assessment of the progress made and results achieved.
• Support management based on in-depth analyses of tangible elements and by producing useful and applicable recommendations.
• Contribute to learning by analyzing the project’s development process.

February 2024 to June 2024

Monitoring & evaluation

ENABEL – Final review of the Revival of Vocational and Technical Education and Training for Employment (RESET) project in Guinea-Bissau

• Ensure accountability towards the donor, the partner and internal stakeholders, by providing an external assessment of the progress made and the results achieved.
• Support management based on in-depth analyzes of tangible elements and by producing useful and applicable recommendations.
• Contribute to learning, by analyzing the project development process.

February 2024 to April 2024

Monitoring & evaluation

ENABEL – Final Review of the intervention: Digital REsponse Connecting CiTizens (DIRECCT) Senegal, Wehubit

his involves designing and carrying out the final evaluation of the DIRECCT program which aims to strengthen the resilience of education, health and micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) systems in ACP (Africa, Caribbean, Pacific) countries. .
The objectives of this mission are:
• Ensure accountability towards the donor, the partner and internal stakeholders, by providing an external assessment of the progress made and the results achieved.
• Support management based on in-depth analyzes of tangible elements and by producing useful and applicable recommendations.
• Contribute to learning, by analyzing the project development process.

January 2024 to March 2024

Monitoring & evaluation

ENABEL – Mid-term review of the intervention “Support for citizen participation in Morocco, component 2”: “strengthening the participation of civil society in the development, monitoring and evaluation of local public policies

This involves designing and carrying out the mid-term evaluation of the “Support for citizen participation in Morocco” intervention, which is a citizen capacity building project aimed at including civil society in the design and implementation. implementation of local public policies.
The objectives of the mission are as follows:
• Ensure accountability towards the donor, the partner and internal stakeholders, by providing an external assessment of the progress made and the results achieved.
• Support management based on in-depth analyzes of tangible elements and by producing useful and applicable recommendations for the continuation of the intervention.
• Contribute to learning, by analyzing the project development process

Novembre 2023 à janvier 2024

Monitoring & evaluation

ENABEL – Final review of the PAGIE intervention – Project to support economic interest groups for the development of the phoenicicole sector in Moroccan oases

This involves designing and carrying out the final evaluation of the PAGIE intervention.
The objectives of this evaluation are as follows:
• Support steering. Based on in-depth analyses, the reviews offer useful, data-driven recommendations. The reviews thus support strategic and operational decision-making, and consequently, the management of interventions.
• Contribute to learning. By analyzing the development process, the review allows useful lessons to be drawn for other interventions or for the development of new policies and strategies and new programs.
• Ensure accountability to the donor, partners and internal stakeholders by providing an external assessment of the progress made and the results achieved.

October 2023 to December 2023

Monitoring & evaluation

VIVA-SALUD – Mid-term evaluation of the 2022-2026 joint program “Stronger citizens and social movements for a more just, united and sustainable world”

This involves designing and carrying out a mid-term evaluation of the program “Stronger citizens and social movements for a more just, united and sustainable world” which is a citizen capacity building program carried out jointly by FIAN, Quinoa, Solidagro & Viva salud.
• Evaluate the effectiveness of social movement practices in creating change.
• Support program management.
• Train indirectly in monitoring-evaluation techniques.
• Formulate useful conclusions and recommendations for the continuation of the program.

October 2023 to July 2024

Monitoring & evaluation

ITC-ILO – External evaluation of the capacity building project for the investment portfolio in procurement of IFAD projects – (BUILD PROC

his involves designing and carrying out an external evaluation of the public procurement capacity building program for IFAD projects set up by ITC-ILO.
The objectives of this mission are:
• Design a relevant multi-country capacity program assessment.
• Conduct the evaluation to collect and document the various effects of the training and establish its effectiveness.
• Support decision-making and reflections related to the design of a subsequent phase of the project. (Organizational learning)

November 2023 to February 2024

Monitoring & evaluation

“Final review of the intervention ‘Strengthening the Referral General Hospital St Joseph in Kinshasa for COVID-19 response in the context of a structural health system strengthening approach.’”

Designed in the context of the COVID-19 epidemic, the project consisted of two axes: firstly, a focus on the response to COVID-19, with a particular emphasis on case management; secondly, a focus on strengthening the institutional, technical, and organizational capacities of the hospital. One of the innovations planned in this latter framework was the establishment of a subsidized flat-rate pricing system based on the principles developed in various other Enabel projects. As part of the new bilateral portfolio for 2023-2027, the city of Kinshasa has been included as a beneficiary for the “health and social protection” axis. This evaluation is therefore important to guide stakeholders on the interest of including support for St Joseph Hospital in the future portfolio to be managed by Enabel.

The review of the support program for St Joseph Hospital aims to: • Support management. Based on in-depth, evidence-based analyses, useful and applicable recommendations will be produced. • Contribute to learning by analyzing the project development process. • Ensure accountability to the donor, partner, and internal actors by providing an external assessment of progress made and results achieved.”

Implementation 15/05/2023 – 15/07/2023

Monitoring & evaluation

Agence française de développement (AFD) – Support for monitoring and evaluation and transversal and continuous capitalization of projects financed by the “FISONG social, economic and civic reintegration of young school dropouts”

Through FISONG, AFD supports the testing of interventions specifically targeting out-of-school youth. The activation of this instrument allows NGOs to propose new ways of approaching the issue of the integration of these young people, through conceptual, methodological and organizational innovations. The Cota service aims to contribute to:

  • Consolidate the approaches of NGOs by strengthening the methodological tools for project management and efficiency;
  • Support their anchoring in the local ecosystem by facilitating reflexivity on the conditions of sustainability and institutional articulation;
  • Facilitate intersectoral dialogue between NGOs and AFD;
  • Bring out useful lessons for the strategic and programmatic reflections of stakeholders.

Implementation period: September to July 2024

Monitoring & evaluation

Abbé Pierre Foundation -Project “Dignified housing for all” – Phase 2: Improvement of housing conditions and citizen mobilization in the precarious neighborhoods of Antananarivo (Madagascar)

n consortium with the Abbé Pierre Foundation (FAP), the Fonenana Mendrika Association (AFM) and in conjunction with 8 other structures, COTA will participate in the project “Dignified housing for all”
(Support for 900 households in precarious neighborhoods in the 1st and 4th districts of Antananarivo with operations to improve their living environment, and awareness raising among 15,000 people from these neighborhoods, civil society, partner associations and authorities local administrative authorities, to the challenges of dignified and decent housing)
via the establishment of a monitoring-evaluation system.
The objectives of this mission are:
• Lead and support the development of a global monitoring-evaluation framework oriented towards change and performance
• Ensure the implementation of this monitoring-evaluation system and its appropriation by stakeholders
• Carry out the mid-term evaluation and the final evaluation

July 2021 to July 2024

Monitoring & evaluation

Fondation Abbé Pierre – La Reunion Agency – Support to the implementation of the 2018 – 2022 territory project

This support aims to :

  • Draw up an inventory of the practices of the agency’s team in terms of monitoring and evaluation of the territorial project ;
  • List the tools available and identify improvements to be made to develop quality monitoring and evaluation ;
  • Put in place a global monitoring and evaluation system adapted to the pre-existing practices of the team ;
  • Contribute to the development of a new work culture, through a collectively focused monitoring and evaluation work.

May 2019 to June 2021

Monitoring & evaluation

Fondation Abbé Pierre – Support for creating a mechanism for monitoring changes on the 2018-2022 strategic project

This mission presents two main goals :

• Design a system for assessing the Foundation’s contribution to social changes on the basis of its strategic axes ;
• Strengthen transversality and dialogue between the Foundation’s directorates on the basis of a common tool for monitoring changes.

May to December 2019

Monitoring & evaluation

Fondation Abbé Pierre – Supporting the creation of a change monitoring system for the project of the Direction of territories animation

This mission has three main objectives: 

  • To design a system for assessing the contribution of the Foundation’s territorial agencies to the improvement of the living conditions of people living in poor housing ;
  • To appreciate the advocacy force of the territorial agencies at the level of local public policies ;
  • To appreciate the ways of doing and organizing of the Direction of territories animation.

May to December 2019

Monitoring & evaluation

FIAN Belgium – Facilitating a collective process to improve monitoring and evaluation tools and methods

This support mission has three objectives :

  • Develop a coherent and collective approach to the monitoring and evaluation of the organization’s activities ;
  • Analyze existing monitoring and evaluation mechanisms and tools, adapt them and create new ones if necessary ;
  • Jointing the monitoring and evaluation of the organization with the expectations of Belgian actors of the cooperation-development field in the matter.

September 2018 to March 2019

Monitoring & evaluation

Humanity and Inclusion Luxembourg – Support for setting up a monitoring and evaluation device

The proposed support aims to build a monitoring and evaluation device linked to the logical framework of the current general agreement in global citizenship education (2018-2020) and which extends to the next programming phase (2021 – 2023).

The approach aims firstly to question the relevance of the existing result indicators and to structure the device in its “mechanics” part, and secondly to determine the (ultimate and intermediate) changes to which the current general agreement intends to contribute, to develop markers of progress to inform these changes and integrate them into the monitoring and evaluation device as designed and tested upstream.

September 2018 to February 2020

Monitoring & evaluation

AFD Niger – Accompaniment of the High Authority for Peacebuilding steering and monitoring-evaluation function within the framework of the “DIFFA Youth” project

The main objective of this project is to contribute to improving the living conditions and prospects of young people in Diffa and to reduce the feeling of exclusion among 15-35 year olds, who represent 30% of the population. It is based on an integrated approach at the level of a territory, taking into account all the dimensions that relate to the social and professional integration of young people, combining short and long time and involving local actors. More broadly, improving the employability of young people and developing social and life opportunities will also help to reduce the risk of young people falling into violence or even radicalization.

The project has three specific objectives :

  • Promote the social and economic dynamics of vulnerable youth in their community (activities with rapid economic impact and socio-educational, cultural and sports activities, citizen participation) ;
  • Improve the social and professional integration of young people (training, mediation and integration support mechanisms adapted to the local context) ;
  • Strengthen the leadership capacities of national (High Authority for Peace Consolidation) and local (Diffa Regional Council) institutions to strengthen the legitimacy of the State, the coordination of actors and the economic and social development of the region.

September 2018 to September 2019

Monitoring & evaluation

Étudiants & développement – Supporting the implementation of a change-oriented monitoring and evaluation system

This mission has several objectives :

  • Define the constituent elements of a “journey of commitment” of young people and students within the organization ; 
  • Define elements of change to document and develop related progress markers ;
  • Technically structure the device (matrix, collection and encoding tools, data processing mechanisms) ;
  • Encourage the ownership and autonomous animation of the device by E&D and the members of its network.

April 2018 to April 2019

Monitoring & evaluation

Fondation Nicolas Hulot & Forim – Support for setting up a monitoring and evaluation system for the program “Génération climat”

This mission aims to :

  • Revisit the logical framework of the program and enrich it with a change dimension ;
  • Define progress markers to appreciate these changes ;
  • Develop and test tools for collecting, encoding and processing generated data.

This is intended to enhance the program’s ability to document its  accomplishments and the changes it is contributing to.

February to September 2018

Monitoring & evaluation

Starting block – Supporting the implementation of a monitoring and evaluation device

This mission is about three objectives :

  • Being able to measure the contribution of the actions implemented by Starting block in changing representations of its public, regarding citizenship ;
  • Being able to measure the progressive structuring, the commitment and the strengthening of the actors in the SENS network ;
  • Supporting the decision-making to restore better results and effects of the actions implemented by Starting block.

June, 2017 to March, 2018