

Uni4Coop – Interim evaluation of the ECMS outcome of program 2022 – 2026

This involves carrying out a horizontal evaluation combining self-evaluation, peer evaluation and validation by an external expert (Cota), in order to strengthen cooperation and learning within the 4 NGO members of Uni4Coop. Uni4Coop, through the ECMS outcome of its 2022-2026 program, aims to encourage the emergence of a global movement by developing critical thinking to better understand and deconstruct inequalities, while proposing concrete actions and supporting students in their process of change.

July 2024-July 2025


Evaluation finale du programme bilatéral Guinée-Belgique 2019-2023

The bilateral cooperation program between the Belgian government and Guinea represents a significant commitment to sustainable and inclusive economic growth in the region. Initiated on December 14, 2018, and scheduled to last for five years until December 13, 2023, the program allocates a substantial budget of 45 million euros to its objectives. The overall goal of the Guinea portfolio is to contribute to sustainable and inclusive economic growth along the Conakry-Kindia-Mamou axis. The decision to focus Belgian support on inclusive and sustainable economic development, human development, and the respect for fundamental human rights aligns with the priorities of the Guinean government.

Six projects are operationalized in a complementary, integrated, and structured manner across three pillars: entrepreneurship, sexual and reproductive rights, and capacity building.

  • Agricultural Entrepreneurship
  • Urban Entrepreneurship
  • Women’s Entrepreneurship
  • Support for entrepreneurship development along the Conakry-Kindia-Mamou – Mont Gangan axis
  • She Decides (Promotion of Sexual and Reproductive Rights)
  • Capacita (Project for Training, Studies, and Expertise)

This evaluation will primarily serve the purpose of strategic learning. The insights gained will be valuable in guiding new initiatives and ensuring a smooth transition between the two programs. The themes addressed in the context of the final program evaluation will have a broader scope. They will contribute to strategic learning within Enabel and at the Guinean partner level to improve development practices and cooperation policies. This knowledge can be applied in other contexts and future programs.

Implementation 01/2024 – 03/2024


Final review of the SOSESTA/SOSESTA+ intervention”

To deal with the deterioration of the security situation and socio-economic conditions in the Tillabéri and Tahoua regions, the European Union (EU) has decided, in consultation with the State of Niger, to launch the multi-sectoral program “Intervention to support to security and stabilization in Niger (I3S Niger)”. Its objective is to support the efforts of the State dedicated to maintaining security, the return of civil administration and public services, and the restoration of an environment that favors the resumption of socio-economic activities in the villages. .
The EU has mobilized significant resources and called on three technical partners, including Enabel, specialized in the areas of security, development and peacebuilding, through its Instrument contributing to Stability and for Peace (IcSP).
The component specifically dedicated to the ISF, the “Support for security and stabilization in Niger” project implemented in 2 phases (SOSESTA and SOSESTA +), was entrusted to Enabel. It aims to contribute to the development and economic, social and security stability of Niger by:
• Result 1: improving the security system and living conditions in ISF camps;
• Result 2: strengthening trust between the ISF and the population in the regions of Tillabéri and Tahoua

Implementation 16/05/23 -16/08/2023


Final review of the intervention “Deployment of migration policies at the regional level-DEPOMI”

The “Deployment of migration policies at the regional level: DEPOMI” project aims to gradually integrate issues relating to migration into public policies and strategies at the national and local levels in Morocco.
It is implemented by Enabel, in partnership with the Ministry delegated to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans living abroad.
The project is financed by the European Union Emergency Trust Fund for stability and the fight against the root causes of irregular migration and the phenomenon of displaced people in Africa.
The intervention meets two strategic objectives of the FFU:
• Promote the establishment of rights-based migration governance systems;
• Increase mutually beneficial legal migration and mobility.
The project aims to gradually integrate the dimension of migration into public policies and strategies at the national and local levels in Morocco and is based on five results, in particular:

  • The ministry in charge of migration coordinates and capitalizes on interventions in cooperation with the regions;
  • Migration governance and strategic planning are implemented at the regional level;
  • 3.The progressive integration of migrants at the economic and social level is encouraged;
  • The mobilization of MREs to contribute to the territorial development of regions is facilitated;
  • Mobility is encouraged at the level of each region.
  • In Morocco, Enabel is implementing several projects in the field of “Human Rights – Migration

Implementation 02/10/23 – 04/12/2023


Framework agreement for valuation expertise services-BXL 11942

Ce marché consiste en des prestations de services d’expertise en matière d’évaluation selon la modalité du contrat-cadre avec bons de commandes. Les évaluations peuvent porter sur :

  • Des interventions mises en œuvre par Enabel pour le compte de la Belgique ou d’autres bailleurs ;
  • Des portefeuilles (régionaux ou thématiques) et programmes de coopération mis en œuvre par ENABEL pour le compte de la Belgique ou d’autres bailleurs ;
  • Des interventions mises en œuvre par Enabel à partir de la Belgique (par exemple le Trade Développent Center, Annoncer la Couleur, Programme Junior, etc) ;
  • Des évaluations transversales (multi-interventions ou multi-pays) dans une thématique ou secteur spécifique (infra, agri, santé, genre …) ou approche mise en œuvre par ENABEL (Nexus, approche partenariale, HRBA, etc.).
    Les évaluations à mi-parcours et finales poursuivent les objectifs suivants :
    • Appuyer le pilotage en proposant des recommandations utiles et fondées sur des données (“evidence based”).
    • Contribuer à l’apprentissage en analysant le processus de développement de l’intervention, et en permettant d’expliquer ce qui fonctionne, ce qui fonctionne moins bien ou pas et pourquoi, et de tirer ainsi des leçons utiles pour d’autres interventions ainsi que pour l’élaboration de nouvelles politiques, stratégies, et de nouveaux programmes ;
    • Assurer la redevabilité envers le bailleur, aux partenaires et aux acteurs internes en fournissant une appréciation externe du progrès réalisé et des résultats atteint

Support for the process of reviewing the methodology applied to grant requests in terms of awareness-raising and development education in Luxembourg

The main objective of this service is to support the Department of Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Action of the MAEE in the process of identifying and defining a revised methodology, oriented towards impact measurement and more adapted to the work carried out by Luxembourg NGDOs in terms of awareness-raising and development education.
To achieve this objective, the expected results are as follows:
• An inventory of existing and relevant tools for impact measurement in SENS/ED is carried out.
• Convincing findings for the methodological revision are identified, through bilateral and collective consultation with NGDOs.
• The main operational challenges to improve the efficiency, impact and coherence of the work in SENS/ED of Luxembourg Cooperation are identified.
• A revised methodology and tool, approved by NGDOs, to optimize planning, monitoring-evaluation and impact measurement in SENS/ED are formalized.
• An impact measurement study is carried out with a sample of NGDOs. This exercise will support the methodological revision on existing practices and content.

Implementation 14/06/2023 – 31/03/2024


Enabel – Final evaluation of the project of support for institution building in the agricultural sector in Benin (ARISA-B)

The specific objective of the ARISA-B project is to facilitate the process of transition and operationalization of the sharing of functions between actors in the context of agricultural sector reforms in Benin. The implementation strategy combines targeted training processes for actors according to a Skills Acquisition Path (CAP) approach, with facilitation intended to support the implementation of skills and consultation and coordination with actors. The function of the journal is to:

  • Support steering;
  • Contribute to learning by analyzing the development process;
  • Ensure accountability to the donor, partner and internal stakeholders by providing an external assessment of the progress made and the results achieved;
  • Analyze the impact and sustainability of the investments made and their potential for sustainability by national partners.

Implementation period: July to November 2022


Final evaluation of the north component (Global citizenship education) of the Uni4Coop program

Four university NGOs (Eclosio, FUCID, Louvain Coopération and ULB Coopération) created the Uni4Coop consortium, as part of the grant application to the DGD for the years 2017 to 2021. These NGOs are jointly pursuing four specific objectives relating to global citizenship education as part of a common program:

  • The university community and the citizens around the campuses learn about global issues, discuss them around them and gradually integrate their new convictions into their daily lives.
  • Students and educational agents critically, systemically and interdependently integrate CMS issues and themes into the curriculum, taking into account in particular knowledge and skills from the South.
  • Relay actors make their reading, understanding and vision of CMS-related issues more complex and raise awareness of CMS themes among their audiences.
  • Belgian institutional decision-makers are changing the legal framework and the main political orientations in favor of sustainable and equitable development, with respect for human rights, taking into account gender issues and the environment.

The final evaluation concerns the analysis of the North section of the Uni4Coop joint program in its entirety (2017-2021), its strategies and its 4 specific objectives, with regard to the CAD criteria.

December 2021 to May 2022


Final evaluation of the joint program for the promotion of sustainable family farming and the social economy for a fairer world

SOS Faim, Iles de Paix et Autre Terre

This evaluation is part of SIA’s 2017-2021 five-year program, funded by the Directorate General for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid (DGD), and implemented by a consortium of 3 Belgian NGOs (SOS Faim, Iles de Paix and Other Earth). This is a common evaluation for 3 West African countries: Burkina Faso, Mali and Senegal, broken down into 3 individual evaluations (one per country), with a common part dedicated to the synergies between these 3 areas of intervention.

November 2021 to January 2022


Final evaluation of the program “Protection of communities, indigenous peoples and their tropical forests”

The objective of this evaluation is as much to ensure the necessary accountability towards the donor of the program (the DGD), as to identify lessons learned and recommendations that will make it possible to adjust the strategies, programmatic orientations and methods of implementation. implementation of the intervention (learning). The countries concerned are Cambodia, the DRC and Ecuador.

November 2021 to March 2022


Ingénieurs sans frontières – Impact study of the ECSI project on students and young active engineers (2013 – 2022)

This study aims to analyze in depth the impact of citizenship education actions carried out by ISF between 2013 and 2022. It will be carried out between July 2021 and June 2022.


Agence française de développement (AFD) – Mid-term evaluation of the social cohesion project in Dori (Burkina-Faso) and support for the formulation of phase 2

This evaluation aims to assess the achievements of the project according to the revised DAC-OECD criteria, to draw qualitative lessons and to support the formulation of the next phase of the project.

February to April 2021


Agence française de développement (AFD) – Kinshasa – Evaluation of the “Financial and Administrative Governance in the DRC” project

This retrospective evaluation aims to draw up a complete assessment of the project and to extract lessons learned.

January to April 2021 


Enabel – General agreement / Mid-term and final evaluations of interventions

This general agreement is concluded for a period of 4 years. The objective of this contract (part 2) is to conduct mid-term and final external reviews / evaluations of the interventions implemented by Enabel and its partners. It covers projects and programs of institutional and operational support in different sectors (education, health, governance, decentralization, migration) and also includes crosscutting themes (gender, human rights, AIDS, environment, capacity building).

These evaluations report to donors, partners and stakeholders on the performance of interventions and the use of public funds to achieve development results. At the same time, the evaluations can draw lessons from the interventions implemented to develop a “knowledge capital” on development processes in general.

List of evaluations carried out by Cota under this contract: 


  • Joint final evaluation of the “universal health insurance policy support program in Peru through SIS” (SISTEC);
  • Joint final evaluation of the program “institutional support to the private nonprofit health sector to promote universal coverage of health insurance in Uganda” (PNFP) & the project “institutional capacity building in health care” planning, leadership and management in the Ugandan public health sector (HPLM2);
  • Joint evaluation of the “supporting the implementation of the Uganda training strategy” project (SSU BE) & “supporting the implementation of training strategy in the Karamoja region” (SSU IRE) program in Uganda;
  • Final evaluation of “capacity building through fellowships project” studys and expertise in Guinea (RCBEE).


  • Final evaluation of the “support program for capacity building in Vietnam”(FCB); 
  • Joint mid-term evaluation of the support program “responsive local governance in Vietnam, Nghe An, Kon Tum and Ha-Tinh provinces”(RALG);
  • Mid-term evaluation of the training program “improving teacher training in national institutions in Uganda “(TTE);
  • Joint final evaluation of the “support program for expertise, study and technical assistance to the water and environment sector” (PAERE) and the project “capacity building of the sector of water and environment” in Bolivia (FC);
  • Final evaluation of the project “building academic partnerships for economic development” (BAPED) in South Africa;
  • Final evaluation of the “Tirelo project Bolsha (capacity building of public services for better local governance) in South Africa;
  • Final evaluation of the “institutional strengthening and capacity building program of the electricity unit” in Rwanda;
  • Final evaluation of “institutional and operational support program for 3 watershed agencies “in Morocco ;
  • Final evaluation of the “Support Program for Girls’ Schooling in the Dosso Region” in Niger ;
  • Final Evaluation of the “Support Program for Local Governance Units for the Regeneration of Historic Centers” in the Palestinian Territories ;
  • Final evaluation of the “Support Project for Beninese Organizations by Strengthening Human Resources Competencies” (PAORC) in Benin ;
  • Final evaluation of the “Support Project for the National Health Information System” (PAISS, SNIS component) in Burundi ;
  • Final evaluation of the Human Resources Development Support Program of Beneficiary Organizations (SDHR) in Uganda ;
  • Final Evaluation of the “Support Project to Strengthen Internal Security in Burkina Faso” – 2nd Phase (PARSIB) ;
  • Mid-term evaluation of the “Health Sector Support Program” (PASS) in Niger ;
  • Mid-term evaluation of the “Capacity Building Project” (IRC) in Niger ;
  • Final evaluation of the intervention “Rwanda Decentralization Support Program (RDSP): Enhancing the capacities of Disctricts (ECD) & Financial support to the district development plans (DDP)”


  • Mid-term review of the intervention “Strengthening the capacities of institutions and actors of civil society in the Koulikoro region and at the central level (IRC)” in Mali
  • Mid-term review of the intervention “Maghrib Belgium Impulse (MBI): Support for the implementation of the national strategy in favor of Moroccans residing in Belgium”
  • Mid-term review of the intervention “Amuddu – Support for the implementation of the National Immigration Strategy (SNIA)” in Morocco
  • Final review of the Ubuzyma Burambye (Long Healthy Life) intervention in Rwanda


  • Final review of the intervention: “Pilot project responding to labor shortages through innovative mobility models” (PALIM) – Morocco
  • Final review of the intervention “Deploy the national results-based financing policy in the Acholi region” – Uganda
  • Mid-term review of Enabel’s portfolio in Burkina Faso
  • Mid-term review of Enabel’s portfolio in Guinea
  • Final review of the Capacity Building Intervention in Niger
  • Final review of support for the intervention of Skilling Uganda in Karamoja – Uganda


  • Institutional support program for the health sector (PAISS) – Component 5: support for infrastructure, equipment and maintenance – Burundi
  • Mid-term review of the e-tamkeen intervention – Morocco
  • Final review of the health sector support program (PASS) – Niger
  • Mid-term review of the intervention “deployment of migration policies at the regional level” – DEPOMI – Morocco
  • Eastern Burkina Faso Stabilization Support Project – STABEST
  • Final review of the intervention “Building the capacities of institutions and civil society actors at the level of the Koulikoro region and at the central level” – Mali
  • Final Evaluation of the Support Program at the Central Level (PANC) and the Support Program for Provincial Divisions and Health Zones (PADP) – Democratic Republic of Congo
  • Mid-term evaluation of Enabel’s portfolio in Senegal
  • Mid-term evaluation of the European Union program for the consolidation of democracy in the Central African Republic – EU-PCD
  • Final evaluation of the Strengthening Governance in the Artisanal Diamond and Gold Mining Sectors (GODICA) Project – Central African Republic
  • Mid-term evaluation of the intervention “Additional Support for Vocational and Technical Training – ACFPT – Burundi
  • Final evaluation of the project “Amuddu: support for the implementation of the National Immigration and Asylum Strategy (SNIA)” – Morocco
  • Final evaluation of the support program for technical education and vocational training (ETFP) in the provinces of Mongala and Sud Ubangi (EDUMOSU) – Democratic Republic of Congo
  • Final Evaluation of the Teacher Education and Training (TTE) Programme, Intervention: “Improving Secondary Teacher Education in National Teachers’ Colleges (NTCs)” – Uganda
  • Final Evaluation of the Uganda Skills Strategy (SSU) Implementation Support – Uganda
  • Mid-term evaluation of the project “Skills, Attitudes, Governance and Anti-corruption” – SG+ – Uganda
  • Final Evaluation of the “Legal Empowerment of Migrants” Intervention – Morocco
  • Final Evaluation of the Support Program for the Operation of Civil Status and the Implementation of a Secure Information System (PAECSIS) – Mali
  • Final Evaluation of the Study and Expertise Program (PEE) – Democratic Republic of Congo
  • Final evaluation of the organizational capacity building program through the granting of scholarships – Democratic Republic of Congo
  • Final Evaluation of the SDHR Intervention “Support to Human Resource Development of Beneficiary Organizations” – Uganda
  • Final evaluation of the intervention: “Twiteho Amagara-Bujumbura mairie, Bujumbura rural, Muramvya, Rumonge and Kirundo” – Burundi
  • Mid-term evaluation of the intervention “Together for Inclusive and Transparent Quality of Care, Oriented towards Gender Equality – Good Health” (EQUITE) – Benin
  • Mid-term evaluation of the intervention “Relaunch of Vocational and Technical Education and Training for Employment (RESET)” – Guinea Bissau
  • Mid-term evaluation of the intervention “Institutional Support Program for the Health Sector in Burundi (PAISS) – PART 4: Support for the National Health Information System” SNIS – Burundi
  • Mid-term evaluation of the Project to Support Burundian Organizations through Capacity Building (PAORC) – Burundi

Haute autorité pour la consolidation de la paix au Niger (HACP) – Diagnosis of capacity building needs (Redressement Tillabéri and Trois Frontières projects)

The Cota supports the HACP in strengthening its organizational and institutional capacities from the following axes :

  • Participatory identification of the needs of the HACP in strengthening its organizational capacities in terms of project management;
  • Support for carrying out a self-assessment of the HACP’s capacities in monitoring and evaluation, in particular to develop a reinforced monitoring system for the Tillabéri and Trois Frontières Recovery projects;
  • Implementation of actions following the diagnosis.

October 2020 to September 2023


Service de l’évaluation spéciale (SES) – Special Evaluation Service (SES) – Certification of the evaluation systems of 8 Belgian development cooperation actors

The main objective of the certification is to confirm the quality of the (external) evaluation systems of the actors of Belgian development cooperation (capacity, management of the evaluation process, management of the quality of evaluation reports), in analyzing the practice of an organization and its commitment to improve. 

The purpose of the ECB (Evaluation capacity building) certificate is to contribute to a continuous process of learning and improvement within organizations, to improve the quality of external evaluation reports, to achieve better management of ‘evaluation and strengthen the evaluation capacity of the organization. This involves certifying 8 actors of Belgian development cooperation. 

November 2020 to March 2021


Le Partenariat – External evaluation of the Gaïa Center

This evaluation has the following objectives :

  • Carry out a qualitative and quantitative assessment of the three years of program activities ;
  • Check the adequacy between the initial objectives of the program and the activities implemented ;
  • Measure the level of achievement and the relevance of the actions ;
  • Analyze the intervention logic of the Gaïa Center and question the overall coherence of the education program.

April to October 2020


Enabel – Service contract to support the evaluation of Enabel’s response to Covid-19

Enabel’s Internal Assessment Department has initiated a real-time assessment to document the adaptation and scale-up of Enabel’s interventions to respond to the COVID-19 crisis.

The three main objectives of this assessment are:

  • Assess the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on Enabel’s interventions;
  • Document how Enabel has adapted its interventions (on one hand to respond to the health crisis and on the other hand to mitigate the impact of side effects) and analyze in depth the mechanisms underlying decision-making and implemented;
  • Assess the relevance and consistency of Enabel’s response (principle of national alignment, complementarities with other actors, internal / external consistency, etc.)

Three case studies (Niger, DRC and Benin) will be carried out in parallel with a cross-sectional analysis on the 14 partner countries of Enabel.

July to December 2020


IECD – External evaluation of the program agreement “Improving the socio-health care of sickle cell patients in Sub-Saharan Africa”

The objective of the IECD program is to fight against sickle cell disease and reduce maternal and infant mortality in Sub-Saharan Africa (DRC, Madagascar, Cameroon, Congo, and Ivory Coast).

This evaluation takes place at the end of the second phase of the 2018-2020 program agreement. Its purpose is to obtain an assessment of the project and the activities implemented in the 5 countries of intervention, and to formulate recommendations for the future.

November 2020 to March 2021


Entrepreneurs du monde – External evaluation of the project “Creation of Very Small Enterprises and access to sustainable employment through qualifying training and support for vulnerable people from sensitive areas”

The objective of the external evaluation of the program is to:

  • Evaluate to what extent the project has effectively made it possible to set up and structure four local organizations that promote an environment conducive to entrepreneurship and professional integration in Burkina Faso, Togo, Senegal and Haiti;
  • Evaluate to what extent the project has effectively provided permanent access to listening, guidance, training and support services towards entrepreneurship or the professional integration of vulnerable people from sensitive areas of Burkina Faso, Togo, Senegal and Haiti;
  • Identify and analyze the results of the project in terms of improving the income and living conditions of beneficiaries.

August to November 2020


APEFE – Mid-term external evaluation of the support program for female entrepreneurship “Jigeen ni tamit” in Senegal

It is about evaluating the performance of the program, with particular emphasis on lessons learned and recommendations.

July to October 2020


UNMFREO – Study of the effects and impact of MFR training systems on the socio-professional integration trajectories of young and adults trained in MFR in 9 countries in West and Central Africa and in the Indian Ocean

After the implementation of 3 program agreements over a period of more than ten years, UNMFREO wishes to demonstrate that the training systems of MFRs contribute to the socio-professional integration of young people, and thus analyze the levers and obstacles to this integration. .

The objectives of this effects and impact study are therefore to:

  • Allow unions to have data to better understand the monitoring and support of MFRs and make the necessary changes concerning the socio-professional integration of rural youth;
  • Feed the advocacy of MFRs and unions with data that can be communicated and valued with institutional, technical or financial partners;
  • Make the results available to FAR network facilitation spaces, as well as to AFD’s sectoral divisions, to foster reflection on socio-professional integration in rural areas and alternative vocational training models.

June 2020 to June 2021


Kurioz – External evaluation of the MOODD project

This evaluation aims to assess the quality of the implementation and to analyze the results / effects produced by this multi-stakeholder citizenship education project.

April to November 2020


International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) – PAPACO MOOC audit

This audit is divided into two phases:

  • Phase 1: evaluation of the monitoring and analysis systems put in place by IUCN-Papaco to verify the achievement of the objective “to offer training resources as a priority to a wider public of practicing professionals with a view to ‘skills development likely to improve protected area management practices’ and data control and analysis;
  • Phase 2: deepening of the results through a questionnaire and interviews with learners.

April to September 2020


Ministry of foreign and european affairs of Luxembourg (MAEE) – Evaluation of global citizenship education projects of the Comité pour une paix juste au proche orient (CPJPO)

This mission aims to assess the CPJPO’s annual global citizenship education projects for the period 2016 – 2019.

This is an assessment based on the 5 OECD DAC criteria, conducted in close collaboration with the CPJPO and its main donor, the MAEE of Luxembourg.

March to June 2020


Le partenariat – Final Evaluation of PAER (Renewable Energy Access Program) – Saint Louis, Senegalev

This evaluation aims to :

  • Analyze the methods used, assess the approach, practices and intervention logic of the program and question its overall consistency with regard to sectoral policies on the energy issue in Senegal ;
  • Carry out a qualitative and quantitative assessment of the activities carried out during the period concerned by the evaluation, making it possible to measure the level of achievement, the relevance and the efficiency of the actions with regard to the funding provided ;
  • Taking into account developments, check the adequacy between the initial objectives of the program, the needs previously identified and the level of achievement of the results and impacts actually obtained ;
  • Result in the formulation of clear recommendations on the reflections and future strategies to be adopted by the NGO in order to optimize the activities and functioning of the PAER, with a view to the development of a second intervention phase over three years including a strategy of consolidation and increased ownership of the program by local partners.

November 2019 to April 2020


CRID – Evaluation of the project “La société civile donne de la voix – SCDV”

This evaluation has the following objectives :

  • Measure the effectiveness and efficiency of the actions implemented as part of the SCDV project ;
  • To appreciate the capacity of the CRID to facilitate the meeting between the actors of the wider civil society in France and elsewhere, at regional, national and international level ;
  • To question the quality of the CRID’s pedagogical know-how for the animation of meeting spaces, the ability to synthesize what comes out of them on attractive supports and to disseminate information ;
  • To appreciate the capacity of the CRID to structure and reinforce its action around the three themes of migration, climate justice and criminalization of social movements ;
  • To appreciate the nature and quality of the dialogue between the CRID and its institutional partners.

October 2019 to April 2020


Frères des Hommes France – Evaluation of the device “La pépinière de la solidarité internationale”

This evaluation aims in particular :

  • To evaluate the 3 years project of La Pépinière” according to the OECD evaluation criteria ;
  • To analyze the contribution of FDH to social transformation through the accompaniment of project promoters of international solidarity ;
  • To analyze the functioning of the device and the relations between its actors in order to promote its consolidation and development.

September to December 2019


SIDI & F3E – Evaluation of Technical Assistance (TA) results with FEFISOL fund beneficiary organizations

This mission has five main objectives :

  • To analyze the effect of TA on microfinance institutions and beneficiary farmer organizations ;
  • To analyze the effects of TA on the achievement of social orientation (gender, poverty alleviation, access rural / agricultural financial) and the environmental fund FEFISOL ;
  • To draw lessons to optimize the technical assistance approaches that accompany social investments, and thus improve the management, relevance, effectiveness and efficiency of the Technical Assistance facility ;
  • To enhance the complementarity of an offer financial assistance and technical assistance, comparing it with other social investors ;
  • To propose recommendations for a transition to a new FEFISOL II scheme.

April to December 2019


Expertise France – Cross-sectional evaluation of Canal 2 projects : “Resistances” theme

The overall objective is to carry out a final evaluation of 5 projects related to the topic of disease resistance to treatments, and to capitalize in a transversal way on this theme. The aim is to evaluate the following 5 projects :

• “Capacity Building for Diagnosis and Clinical Management of MDR and XDR Tuberculosis in Civil and Penitentiary Sector in Georgia in the Context of New TB Drugs Implementation and Surveillance of X / MDR-TB Transmission in Georgia” – National Center for Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases / APHP / Fondation Mérieux – Georgia ;
• “Prevention of children antiretroviral resistance : a three-year multi-thematic program in the African Pediatric Network” EVA – CRCF / Children and HIV Network in Africa / Necker Enfants Malades Hospital – Senegal ;
• “Molecular and in vitro surveillance of artemisinin combination therapy (ACT) partner drug efficacy in the Greater Mekong subregion” MIVS_ACT – Mahidol University / Pasteur Institute of Cambodia / Worldwide Antimalarial Resistance Network, University of Oxford – Cambodia ;
• “Study of genotypic resistance of HIV1 and their risk factors of appearance in Congo-Brazzaville” – French Red Cross / National Public Health Laboratory (LNSP) of Congo / MS of Congo / University Hospital of Nantes – DRC ;
• “Management of insecticide resistance in Burkina Faso and Ivory Coast : research on vector control strategies” – IRD UMR MIVEGEC / RCI-Université AO Bouaké / FHB University Abidjan / PNLP CI / Burkina Faso-PNLP / CIRDES Bobo-Dioulasso – Burkina Fasso and Ivory Coast.

April 2019 – May 2020


1001 Fontaines – Final Evaluation of Phase 2 of the Madagascar Project

This evaluation has three main objectives :

  • To analyze / assess the results of the project on the basis of traditional evaluation criteria and cross-cutting criteria (gender and environment) ;
  • To promote learning, explain what works, what does not work and why , and draw useful lessons for a potential project and / or other interventions of 1001 Fountains ;
  • Discuss and formulate in a participatory way with the partner organizations the recommendations that will serve as a basis and guidance for the sustainability of the achievements and the implementation of possible future projects / programs.

April to June 2019


French development agency (AFD) – Mid-Term Retrospective Evaluation of the Health Sector Support Project in Chad (PASST 1 and 2)

This mid-term evaluation is part of a specific context. It is a question of a double assessment (ex-post and mid-term) of two projects (two financing agreements) but which support the same specific objectives. This dual evaluation therefore seeks mainly to consolidate the management and implementation of the PASST 2 and to strengthen the sustainability of the results of PASST 1 and 2 after the end of this cycle of projects. This evaluation is carried out jointly by the Cota and an AFD evaluation officer. The evaluation work is based on a three-step approach: 

  • Structuring the evaluation process;
  • Conducting the evaluation analysis;
  • Presenting the conclusions of the work.

The specificity of this evaluation lies in the methodology used (realistic evaluation, first of all on the analysis of the context and then on the place occupied by the project in this one). 

December 2018 to April 2019


European Institute for Cooperation and Development – External evaluation of the program “Support to very small enterprises in Sub-Saharan Africa and Madagascar”

This program aims to improve the living conditions of the target population by stimulating socio-economic development in the four countries of intervention : Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Democratic Republic of Congo and Madagascar.

The triennial financing agreement (multi-country field project) signed with the French Development Agency (AFD) coming to an end, the IECD is sponsoring this final evaluation to fulfill three objectives :

  • Report on the activities implemented ;
  • Rigorously and impartially evaluate the results and impact of the program, in particular to make them visible ;
  • Prepare the rest of the program (extension / modification of the proposed activities, organization and management, operational priorities, business model, etc.), especially in view of submitting a new project to AFD.

November 2018 to March 2019


SES – Framework agreement on the certification of evaluation systems of Belgian development and cooperation actors

The main objective of the certification is to confirm the quality of the (external) evaluation systems of the Belgian development and cooperation actors (capacity, management of the evaluation process, quality management of the evaluation reports), in analyzing the practice of an organization and its commitment to improve it.

The purpose of the ECB (Evaluation capacity building) certificate is to contribute to a continuous process of learning and improvement within the organizations, to improve the quality of the external evaluation reports, to achieve a better management of the evaluation processes and strengthen the evaluation capacity of the organization. This goal can in turn help to increase the impact on the field.

May 2018 to September 2019


Starting Block – Evaluation of the 2016-2018 project

For this mission, Cota proposes to develop an innovative evaluative approach based on a learning process, associating peers and Starting-Block partners in a formative and prospective aim. The evaluative process will be a moment of shared understanding of the context and the main developments in citizenship education, according to a European reading grid.

The main objective is to evaluate the actions of Starting Block according to the CAD criteria (at least) and especially, to appreciate the evolution of the organization with regard to the major evolutions and big tendencies of the sector of citizenship education over the period evaluated, using a realistic and change-oriented approach.

September 2018 to February 2019


La Cimade – Evaluation of the national coordination of actions about migrants and migration

This evaluation has several objectives : 

  • Appreciate the action and its impacts, both from the point of view of the results obtained and of the changes to which the action has contributed (institutional and organizational, pedagogical, partnership, among the target audiences), in a reading oriented at the same time performance and change ; 
  • Identify lessons learned and lessons learned, in a logic of capitalization of learning ; 
  • Formulate avenues for reflection for the rest of the action, in a prospective logic. 

March to July 2018


Étudiants et développement – External evaluation of the three-year project “Encourage, support and promote the responsible involvement of students and young active people in International Solidarity and GCE”

This evaluation aims to :

  • Strengthen the structure and the regional base of E&D
  • Reflect about how to position E&D as a major interlocutor of the public authorities on issues of international solidarity with young people
  • Intensify support for young people in their engagement
  • Develop E&D international actions

July to December 2017


Oxfam – Evaluation of the impact of actions on first and second line audiences

Oxfam – Magasins du monde and Oxfam – Solidarité wish to evaluate the impact of their actions on their first and second lines audiences, in a five – year project about global citizenship education (GCE) in Belgium, co – financed by DGD.  More specifically, it will be about :

  • Evaluating the audience’s perception about the tools used by the two organizations and about the actions implemented within the specific objective 2 of this program, in order to assess their quality and impact ;
  • To identify changes in the behavior of these audiences, on an ongoing basis during the five years of implementation of the program.

June 2017 – December 2021


CRID – Evaluation and prospective of the program “Une Seule Planète” (USP)

Une Seule Planète is a Global Citizenship Education program, which aims to strenghten citizens capacities to act on the scale of their livelihood and to get involved in social transformation process, by building and broadcasting collectively informations about the alternatives of transition, and by facilitating debates, discussions, and trainings on their stakes.

This evaluation / prospective of the 2014-2017 phase of the program aims to :

  • Estimate the realization of the activities, identify the most mobilizing ones ;
  • Estimate the coordination of the program and the implication of the actors within it ;
  • Appreciate the integration of USP in its direct environment ;
  • Develop a prospective of court and middle term to contribute to the evolution and to the adaptation of the program.December, 2016 to March, 2017

Bibliothèques Sans Frontières (BSF) – Final evaluation of BSF Campus program

  • Design and implement a final evaluation of the BSF program Campus (e-learning platform to librarians from francophone Africa and personalized support program for 34 young entrepreneurs) by identifying the strengths and weaknesses, through an analysis of the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and effects / impacts of the program.
  • Give an assessment of strategies and results and make recommendations for possible improvement of the current program, in particular to expand its network of influence.

september 16th to mi-december 2016


Comité Français pour la Solidarité Internationale (CFSI) – Continuous evaluation of the programme “Coopérer autrement, en acteurs de changement”

  • Build in a participatory manner a monitoring and evaluation system (continuous assessment) change oriented and collectively developped in a balanced representation of stakeholders
  • Propose an iterative approach focused on collective learning and reflection on the ability to identify and measure changes for complex programs multi player oriented
  • Bring an “outsourced” look at the effects of the program and the process

CFI Coopération Médias – Final evaluation of the project “Syrian Media Incubator”

  • Compile lessons regarding the implementation approach, the preferred working axes and the intervention strategy chosen by CFI and its partners. Firstly in terms of accompanying media, professional organizations and conflict zone journalists, secondly using the new CFI methodology consisting in relaying progressively on a team/country responsible for the project in such a context.

June 3rd to september 20th 2016


Comité de Liaison des ONG de Volontariat (CLONG) – Analysis of NGOs’ partnership approach.

  • Determine how the various partnership dynamics of the members of CLONG contribute to the capitalization of knowledge
  • Assess to what extent the action of the involved partners has been influenced by the various partnership dynamics
  • Analyze how partnerships are perceived and experienced by organizations mobilizing expatriates for their actions in the South
  • Define the role of expatriates sending NGOs in action on the field

June 17th 2016 to june 30th 2017